Finally, the Results~
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Before revealing the answer to the much anticipating question, lets talks of my reflection D:D (yes, two faces, which means undefined feelings)

Yes, we had enjoyed ourselves in the competition

And learnt MANY new things such as solar energy, etc

And know a friend - KATRINA =D

Before revealing the answer

Yes, I have said BEFORE

Which means not now

I shall say something

Yes, something

Which is...

If we got to the finals

then we shall thanks the god

If we don't get the finals

we shall thanks the god too


because we learnt, share and build bonds

during the project meetings


BUT I really, REALLY

REALLY hope to win

let's see if my wish fulfils

So the results...

Yes the results...

















Click here

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yes, results are










STILL not out yet. It is rather getting worrying minute by minute. Will we get into the finals? Maybe we shall let the god decides. Pray hard, hope we will succeed. Even if we don't, we have learnt a far bit and we know that we have gave our helping hand and we will continue to.


Xien Dong
Group Leader

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Friday, June 20, 2008

Hi, today is day of the releasing of results, but no news yet...

[edit]Most likely is tomorrow D= but remember, it is not always about winning or losing[/edit]

Anyway, let's talk about FORESTRY!

Forestry is the practice of studying and managing forests and tree plantations, and related natural resources. Silviculture, a related science, involves the growing and tending of trees and forests. Modern forestry generally concerns itself with: assisting forests to provide timber as raw material for wood products; wildlife habitat; natural water quality regulation; recreation; landscape and community protection; employment; aesthetically appealing landscapes; biodiversity management; watershed management; and a 'sink' for atmospheric carbon dioxide. A practitioner of forestry is known as a forester. Forest ecosystems have come to be seen as one of the most important components of the biosphere, and forestry has emerged as a vital field of science, applied art, and technology. Today a strong body of research exists regarding the management of forest ecosystems, selection of species and varieties, and tree breeding. Forestry also includes the development of better methods for the planting, protecting, thinning, controlled burning, felling, extracting, and processing of timber. One of the applications of modern forestry is reforestation, in which trees are planted and tended in a given area.


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Overall Timeline
Thursday, June 19, 2008

i am back!
tomorrow the results of this competition is releasing!
i m so nervous
wish we get into the finals as we worked very hard for this.
now let me sum up our overall progress

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Overview of Global Warming
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi! It's the guys again. Global warming is caused by the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and methane, which form a sort of blanket over the Earth, trapping in heat that would normally escape the atmosphere.  
The leading greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, a pollutant emitted from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. While it is true that there has always been some natural climate variability, record levels of carbon dioxide are having a far reaching change over our weather, sea levels, and climate. Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases by using the technology。 The Earth is only 5 to 9 degrees warmer today than it was 10,000 years ago during the last ice age. Throughout history, major shifts in temperature occurred at a rate of a few degrees over thousands of years. They were accompanied by radical ecological changes, including the extinction of many species. Manmade global warming is occurring much faster — faster, in fact, than at any time in the past 10,000 years. Unless we slow and ultimately reverse the buildup of greenhouse gases, we will have decades, not millennia, to try to adapt to radical changes in weather patterns, sea levels and serious threats to human health. Increased flooding, storms and agricultural losses could devastate our economy. Plants and animals that cannot adapt to new conditions will be come extinct


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Overall ideas
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Finally, today is the submission of the proposal and the 2 A4 boards. Want to take a look at it? Pictures here! 
Yes, Ding Xuan is the Photographer here

During the process of the competition, these are the overall ideas we had brainstormed to gain awareness of global warming to the students.
  • Carnivals Not all people treat the meaning behind the carnival seriously and only know to enjoy the fun in carnival games and win prizes. Moreover organising a carnival needs to have lots of plans.
  • Exhibitions If we put an exhibition in school, not all the students will go and look through seriously. Some will just glance through, some will only walk pass while others did not even care about it.
  • Assembly talks This is a very traditional way of doing. So if this had been successful, why there are still many teenagers who did not care much about global warming?
  • Quizes Through quizzes, only some are attracted because of the prizes. If not, no one will do voluntarily.
  • Collecting of newspaper This is quite a good idea to recycle paper but this had already been implemented when we are in primary schools where we had a competition against classes.
  • Bring coins to school This is a fresh and good idea which our team had thought of it after going to the Singapore mint. We aim to promote the circulation of coins in the world. However we will start with our school and then slowly expand to several schools. We will start a briefing first and during the first week of try out, those who brought coins will be awarded something and those who forgotten, the canteen vendors will remind them. After this week the students will be reminded to bring coins on Tuesday and Thursday. After every week, the CIP students will bring the coin to the counting machine and change into notes and return the money back to the vendors. These not only continue the circulation of coins, it also let the students have a wider choice of variety. After this success in our school, we will go to the next school and will appoint an overall green representative in every school to inform us about the process and how much coins were changed.

How do you find the ideas? our team prefer the idea on bringing coins to school.

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Monday, June 16, 2008

Peel banana, peel peel banana!
eat banana, eat eat banana!
A few funny pictures as follows to bright up your days!

Ok, back to serious matter!
We met up to complete our blog and proposal.
And guess what!
We completed it!
But met quite early
My sleep....
Okay okay, our proposal will be posted on Wednesday
And our ideas will be posted tomorrow!
Remember to visit us to check it out!
Check it out...
LOL! Reminded me ‘check out the green pipes’
HAHAHAHA! My mind is in a whirl. Serious and not serious!
Let you see our first SHORT proposal!

Seen? HAHA!
Lousy uh!
But we’ll work harder! Gambatte people! {:

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Counting down...3 days!
Saturday, June 14, 2008

HELLO peepos!
3 days more and bye project!
Anyway, a video for you!

Info today! Enjoy!
Have you ask yourself,
What is global warming?!
Schools have projects on it, places like libraries have exhibition on it, our ministers are always saying about it
BUT do you know really understand what and how to prevent global warming?

This shows a graph on the increasing in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation. This is called global warming.
Maybe you think it might not do anything to us now,
Thus it is not important,
However the future generation would experience:
(1) sea level to rise,
(2) an increase in the intensity of extreme weather events,
(3) significant changes to the amount and pattern of precipitation,
(4) changes in agricultural yields
(5) modifications of trade routes
(6) glacier retreat
(7) species extinctions
(8) increases in the ranges of disease vectors.
Do you want that to happen?
It’s your decision to choose!
p.s. for more info visit

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


A Video for You
Friday, June 13, 2008

Yes, today is 13 June, Friday, an unlucky Friday D=

Anyway, let's not be superstitious. I shall show you a video:

Yes, this video is purely talks about an effect of Global Warming, Flooding.

So, goodbye now =D

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Blogskin's almost completed!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yeah! I have completed Stage 2 of 3 of the blogskin, which is the killing of all the bugs and finish all the blog's feature, example like the multimedia section (third photo on the right), and some graphics enhancement. =D

In Stage 3, I shall focus more on the entrance part, maybe letting you guys to view a video or something like that before entering the blog. Details shall be reveal soon and after. ^^

Now as i am working on the entrance, may I urge you to navigate around the blog, especially the entertainment section. So I shall keep today's post short and have fun!

PS: This blog is BEST VIEWED on Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2 only.

Xien Dong
(Designer & Coder of the Blog)

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Pulau Semakau Time =D
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here I am to post again!
*Thinking*...What should I post about?
Ah! Our school had organised a trip to Semakau Landfill in the mid-May
∧ guess what?
We had a chance to board a ferry
In the ferry we managed to see the different islands and experience the cool breeze.
When we reach the destination,
A bus led us around the Pulau Semakau
And we saw loads of rubbish!
Ah anything, mixed feelings! ._.
We also went to a place where we can go around freely.
At there, the breeze swept passes our face and our hairs are MESSY!
We also saw the wind turbine which they planned to use that to generate electricity for the lamppost.
We went to a conference room and are able to learn:
How the rubbish we throw would be treated;
The method Singapore had thought to overcome the tons of rubbish with limited land!
See! Singapore government had foreseen the future and make preparations already!
No wonder people say Singaporeans are afraid of anything and everything’s good to be that! :D

Okay, pictures time!

Pictures here!

More in multimedia section!

Off I go!
Have a nice day!

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


An Advertisement
Monday, June 9, 2008

Take a look at this commercial, have any idea what's it saying?
(Please take note that the video is rather disgusting)

So, this video talks about the doll being "bullied". So, I think I shall divide the video into several parts for ease in explanation.

As a whole: The doll represents Gaia. As you know, there are collectors of the dolls, those who treasures it like their golds and diamonds (the second half of the head), and those who think dolls are childish toys and does not treasure it (the first half of the head).

On 0:03 - 0:07 --> This portion represents what people did during the growing of our information technology, realising that fossil fuels can be a resources to power electricity, which is represented when fuel starts pouring on the first half of the doll's head, (when people did not bother the importance of Gaia)

On 0:08 - 0:11 --> Despite several advice to stop it, none listen, and worse still, the economy grew and people's demand rose higher and higher. Industries and manufacturing factories set up, so as the construction sites, therefore dust mites can be seen in the video. In addition, the supply of fuel is getting lesser and lesser to pour the doll as what we can see today.

On 0:12 - 0:15 --> Being too stubborn to heed advices, the people used tree cutter to saw the doll, which can be related to sawing down trees, causing deforestation, just for their own, selfish needs.

On 0:15 - 0:21 --> Look at the remains left behind, the uneven tip of the head, and the dirty look, signifies the consequences of not protecting Gaia, a ruined world, but they did not realise that this affect the young generation's future, being shown in the transition of the doll to the child, and a child signifies hope and importance, signifies that the doll (or Gaia) is important to all of us and there is a chance left, we must treasure it by saving the environment.

That's all for today, goodbye! =D

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Sunday, June 8, 2008

hello: DD
miss us? (x
met up with our mentor again yesterday!
we found something SO COOL!























The printer that xd brought

YELLOW first

RED second

BLUE third

and not forgetting TRANSPARENCY layer!
cool right?
and we got scolded by Xien Dong >:(

wasted his printer's papers and ink!
and this arises to global warming!
cause we're wasting resources
papers come from trees!
so THINK before you PRINT! {:
love GAIA

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Have you heard the recent news? (That's dated 2 June 2008)

Link to the news in video format

This piece of news talks about MediaCorp that is looking for Singapore's most environmental friendly person through a competition. It has launched a competition that is part of its environmental conservation campaign, called 'Saving Gaia'. Their aim on the campaign is focusing on the role of every individual. hence, they hope that more and more people will become environmentally-conscious.

They also mentioned about the newly launched website, in the news, where the community can take a pledge, share their environmental tips and take part in the competition.

That's all for now, good bye!


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Minty Singapore Mint
Thursday, June 5, 2008

here another post!
let me count...
yes, this is the 12th post!
keep up the good work =D (to ourselves)
a long, long way to reach 50th post!
wish us good luck! (x
ok, enough said
we'll post about our excursion to the mint on the last Tuesday!
we visited the rubbish dump at that day too!
yellow yellow SMELLY SMELLY, DIRTY FELLOW![as seen on the last Tuesday post -.-]

At the mint, we learnt not to keep the coins at home to rot!
the mint can only distribute the coins to the merchants or banks and they will distribute the coins to the customers
when they give change to them.
the customers will in turn return the coins to the merchants when they buy things from them.
this cycle continues until the coins are old and dirty and will be returned to the mints.
the mints will manufacture the new coins.
if the customers which are us keep the coins at home, the cycle will break and thus the mint will have to make more new coins.
As you know, coins are made up of copper and zinc.
And... if the mint produced more coins, the wastage of copper and zinc will increase.
Another thing we discover is a machine that could count the number of coins you put in and you can exchange for notes,
isn't that convenient?

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Discovery in the Train - Continue
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Do you remember this post?

Let me give you a photograph that I took yesterday:


Can you guess what is this referring to? Answers shall be reviewed somewhere in next week ;)


Now let's reveal the answer. The answer is......

"Your" Electrical Bills

Yes, this is the campaign by E2 Singapore, and their aim is to hope that Singaporeans minimise the usage of electricity to help in saving the environment.

Now, I shall let the photographs to do the "typing" =D

For more details about this campaign, please visit

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Project Meeting @ CCK
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

we met up AGAINNNNN! {: finally, our cute member (Ding Xuan) came!
but to our dismay, our mentor was sick T.T
we love you loads!
remember what you promised us!
haha! joking! you doesn't have to!
anyway, we complete our two boards
they are the nicEST in the world!
*Laugh Out Loud*
and, AND we plan to recycle unwanted materials to make a BRAND NEW useful item
that's cool right!

so much of the ORIGINALITY! :P
talking about this, we will tell you more about the 3Rs!
i guess everyone should know what are the 3Rs
BUT ask yourself:
did you practice what you know about the 3Rs at home or in school?
yes, 3Rs are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
reduce(waste)-to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.
such as: Reduce excess paper at home
-you may want to use double sides of the paper before throwing it away
reuse: use again after processing
such as: Reuse the bottles that you buy from the canteen
-you may want to keep it and use for several times before throwing it
recycle: to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse
such as: Recycle of unwanted junk
-you may want to throw your unwanted papers, bottles to the specific recycling bin
be a considerate person! save gaia to save yourself!

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Fuels from the ancient
Monday, June 2, 2008

Hi, the boys are back to bring you...

FOSSIL FUEL! Haha. As promised from the post some time back!

This picture is adapted from here.

Fossil Fuel
They are fossil source fuels, that is, hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the Earth’s crust.

They range from volatile materials with low carbon:hydrogen ratios like methane, to liquid petroleum to non-volatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, like anthracite coal.

It was estimated by the Energy Information Administration that in 2005, 86% of primary energy production in the world came from burning fossil fuels.

However, fossil fuels are non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form, and reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being formed.

The burning of fossil fuels produces around 21.3 billion tonnes (= 21.3 gigatons) of carbon dioxide per year and carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that enhances radiative forcing and contributes to global warming, causing the average surface temperature of the Earth to rise in response, which climate scientists agree will cause major adverse effects, such as rising sea levels, the increase in the frequency of natural disasters such as floods, draught, tornadoes, heat and cold waves.

So, here's the summary for the pros and cons of the usage of fossil fuels:

1. When it is being burned, it can produce a significant amount of energy as compared to the rest such as solar energy

1. It is non-renewable
2. As supplies diminishes, the price of fossil fuels will soar
3. It causes negative environmental impacts such as global warming (because of CO2)and acid rains
4. Harvesting, processing, and distributing fossil fuels can also create environmental concerns.

More details can be found at
and that's the resources for the post above.


After typing a few posts on resources to generate energy, especially electricity, we have realised the benefits of renewable resources over non-renewable resources. Despite fossil fuel being highly efficient as compared to the rest, listen to Gaia, listen to the environment, what will they get from our actions? Lots and lots of money? Or more and more advanced Earth? Think about it, would you like to have a world that is filled with (natural) disasters, pollutions? Global Warming, along with other problems about the environment, is on the rise. Can we give a thought to Gaia? As the blog's welcome speech says, actions speak louder than words, do what you need to do to save Gaia.

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Curb Global Warming
Saturday, May 31, 2008

HELLO dear readers! (:
welcome back to our wonderful blog!
haha! we're praising ourselves! :P
anyway, thanks for visiting our blog!
and sorry, this post are all about ways to save the earth!
enjoy reading :DD

Curb Global Warming!

Drive Smart!
A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving you money at the pump. If you have two cars, drive the one with better gas mileage whenever possible. Better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk, or bicycle when you can.

Buy Local and Organic
Did you know the average American meal travels more than 1,500 miles from the farm to your plate? Think of all the energy wasted and pollution added to the atmosphere - not to mention all the pesticides and chemicals used to grow most produce! So go to your local organic farmer to get your fruits and veggies.

Support clean, renewable energy.
Renewable energy solutions, such as wind and solar power, can reduce our reliance on coal-burning power plants, the largest source of global warming pollution in the United States. Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don't offer it, ask them why not?

Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Especially those that burn the longest each day. Compact fluorescents produce the same amount of light as normal bulbs, but use about a quarter of the electricity and last ten times as long. Each switch you make helps clean the air today, curb global warming, and save you money on your electricity bill.

Saving energy at home is good for the environment and for your wallet.
Start with caulking and weather-stripping on doorways and windows. Then adjust your thermostat and start saving. For each degree you lower your thermostat in the winter, you can cut your energy bills by 3 percent. Finally, ask your utility company to do a free energy audit of your home to show you how to save even more money.

Become a smart water consumer.
Install low-flow showerheads and faucets and you'll use half the water without decreasing performance. Then turn your hot water heater down to 120°F and see hot-water costs go down by as much as 50 percent.

Buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances.
Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution. Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances or visit their website at to find the most energy-efficient products.

Plant a Tree, protect a forest.
Protecting forests is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. Trees "breathe in" carbon dioxide, but slash-and-burn farming practices, intensive livestock production, and logging have destroyed 90 percent of the native forests in the United States. And you can take action in your own backyard — planting shade trees around your house will absorb CO2, and slash your summer air-conditioning bills.

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
Producing new paper, glass, and metal products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy and pollution, including CO2, that would result if the product came from virgin materials. Recycling a stack of newspapers only 4 feet high will save a good-sized tree. recycled products!

Mount a local campaign against global warming.
Educate your community about how it can cut global warming pollution.

love yourself;love gaia! ♥ ♥ ♥
bye, see you! : D

Source from

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Geothermal Energy
Friday, May 30, 2008

Counting from the beginning, we are at the eighth post, keep up the good work =)

Yes, today we are introducing the third energy resource, geothermal energy.

Krafla Geothermal Station in northeast Iceland

Geothermal Energy (aka Power and in Greek, Geo = Earth and thermal = heat) is energy generated by heat stored beneath the Earth's surface or the collection of absorbed heat in the atmosphere and oceans and it supplies less than 1% of the world's energy resources.

1. The energy harnessed is clean and safe for the surrounding environment as compared to resources like fossil fuels.
2. It is sustainable because the hot water used in the geothermal process can be re injected into the ground to produce more steam.
3. Geothermal power plants are unaffected by changing weather conditions
4. Is also extremely price competitive in some areas (i.e. cheap)
5. Offers a degree of scalability: a large geothermal plant can power entire cities while smaller power plants can supply more remote sites such as rural villages.

1. Construction of the power plants can adversely affect land stability in the surrounding region.
2. Dry steam and flash steam power plants also emit low levels of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and sulfur.
3. Although geothermal sites are capable of providing heat for many decades, eventually specific locations may cool down

Geothermal power is generated in over 20 countries around the world including Iceland, the United States, Italy, Germany, France, Samogitia (Lithuania), New Zealand, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Russia, the Philippines, Indonesia, the People's Republic of China, Japan and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Chevron Corporation is the world's largest producer of geothermal energy.

So, that's all for now. In the next few post, we boys shall post about fossil fuels and give a conclusion to the resources, so bye!


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Thursday, May 29, 2008


Yawn! 10am is our meeting! We went to the library early to find a perfect spot to do our project. However, Xien Dong had flu, still, he dragged himself to the library, and we did the updates of the blog and the design of our Board Presentation. In the admits of doing our task, one librarian came and gave a warning to ban us from doing project work in the Young People's Reference but we did not care much about him an continued doing. =D We also had several hiccups here and there such as internet connection problem. We stayed there till 6pm and had a fun time doing the boards and the blogs!


The await of the opening of the library~

See the blog in the laptop? =P

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Discovery in the Train
Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Let me give you a photograph that I took yesterday:


Can you guess what is this referring to? Answers shall be reviewed somewhere in next week ;)

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Smelly Smelly!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today, Hui Fang and Wan Ying went to Sembcorp Environment Pte Ltd. The stench was unbearable. From this trip, we had learnt that:

  • We should be more thrifty
    • Because in Singapore, 30 tons of rubbish are transported to the incinerator plant per day to be burnt. 30 tons!!! That's a lot! You can't imagine that 1 ton is equivalent to 1 Mercedes car!
  • Who are throwing this rubbish?
    • Us! But the workers there are helping us to clear these rubbishes. Maybe our group should consider going there for attainment.
  • It's not a simple task:
    • The workers there did not just dump the rubbish at the Semakau Landfill. They pick up recyclables like plastics and aluminium and recycle them for other uses again. They also suck out the water to reduce the space taken by the rubbish.

We had a wonderful experience there, seeing how our rubbish is processed though it is seriously smelly. *Gross* I shall not carry on any further, let the pictures do the job, since they do not have noses:

The rest is in the multimedia section =P

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


The Power of Solar Energy
Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello once again! Today is the boys turn again! Today we shall continue talking about energy =D

Solar Energy
Is an energy from the Sun in the form of radiated heat and light
Solar Power refers specifically to the conversion of sunlight into electricity by photovoltaic, concentrating solar thermal devices or various experimental technologies.

Ways to use the power of solar energy
1. Thermal Collectors to warm water and heat up buildings
2. Solar Sails to convert sunlight force into motion
3. The use of Photovoltaic Cells (aka Solar Cells) to convert sunlight directly into electricity

A Photovoltaic Power Plant

Photovoltaic (PV) has been mainly developed for small and medium-sized applications, from the calculator powered by a single solar cell to the PV power plant. For large-scale generation, concentrating solar thermal power plants have been more common but new multi-megawatt PV plants have been built recently. Other solar electrical generation technologies are still at the experimental stage.

Pros of Solar Energy
1. It is an renewable source of energy

Cons of Solar Energy
1. It is way expensive than fossil fuels (6 times more than buying electricity from power company)
2. Sun is not always shining and need to store sun's energy for cloudy days
3. It is 15% - 20% efficient

So there's all about it =D
Good Bye


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Who’s there?
Saturday, May 24, 2008


On 22 May, we met up with our mentor, Katrina, at Jurong Point. During the meeting, we cleared all our doubts and distributed the roles among our group members.

Firstly, every single one of our team members is responsible to post the blog with one post per day. Xien Dong and Wan Ying will be in charge for the design and the maintenance of the blog. Hope that you will come and visit our blog frequently as there are surprises waiting for you.

Next, Wan Ying and Hui Fang will be the designers for the two A2 sized board presentation. As for the proposal, all of us will meet up and do it as a team. Additionally, Xien Dong and Hui Fang will do a PowerPoint while Wan Ying will do a poster and Ding Xuan will do a video as visual aids to the proposal.

Let's hope that we will have a wonderful experience working together as a team. =]

love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Wind Energy
Friday, May 23, 2008

Hello there =D this is the FIRST time we boys (aka Ding Xuan and Xien Dong) are doing some research for our FIRST post ;P

Today, we are introducing wind energy:

Wind Energy
Wind energy is inexhaustible and infinitely renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, wind energy is renewable. Wind energy is also an abundant energy that will be available for future generations.
Wind turbines have many benefits: Reduction of CO2 emissions, as fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil release CO2 into the atmosphere, whereas wind energy produces no CO2. Wind is free and is easily converted into electricity.

The 10 other benefits of wind energy
1. Wind energy is economically competitive.
2. Wind energy is a valuable crop of the future for farmers and ranchers.
3. Unlike most other electricity generation sources, wind turbines don’t consume water.
4. Wind energy is an indigenous, homegrown energy source that contributes to national security.
5. Wind energy is inexhaustible and infinitely renewable.
6. Wind energy has many environmental benefits.
7. Because wind energy’s “fuel” is free, it reduces the risk associated with volatile fossil fuel prices.
8. Wind energy is the fuel of today and tomorrow. Today, wind provides competitive electricity. Tomorrow, it is likely to be the cheapest source of electricity for the distributed generation of hydrogen.
9. Wind energy can be used in a variety of applications.
10. The overwhelming support by the public because of the reasons listed above

That's it, good luck guys (and ladies) and good bye!


love me; love me not | Do your part, be Green


Remember, be nice with your words =D

Click one of the tiles to continue.

love me; love me not - Nan Hua High School - Secondary 2/4
Xien Dong - Ding Xuan - Hui Fang - Wan Ying

Xien Dong and Wan Ying (Background of Main Page Only), with some help from Jeremy Teng in solving some bugs

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Information Gatherers
Hui Fang, Wan Ying, Ding Xuan and Xien Dong

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